Index 2022




18 and 30 years old


Online / Presencial

Programa Internacional de Intercambio Juvenil INDEX 2022 (Japan FY2022)

El Programa Internacional de Intercambio y Desarrollo Juvenil (Japan FY2022), a celebrarse de manera virtual y presencial, es una iniciativa de la Oficina de Gabinete del Japón que data de 1962. Su objetivo es desarrollar, incentivar y conectar a jóvenes de distintos países, que puedan demostrar habilidades de liderazgo en varios campos dentro de una sociedad global, y fomentar actividades de contribución social.

En esta ocasión, el Ministerio de la Juventud se compromete con la Embajada de Japón en República Dominicana, y la Asociación Dominicana de Exbecarios del International Youth Development Exchange Program (INDEX), a convocar jóvenes dominicanos/as con interés en temas de desarrollo sostenible, excelente dominio del idioma inglés y experiencias de intercambios o voluntariados, a concursar por las 8 posiciones para representar a la República Dominicana en esta edición del programa.

Completa los requerimientos exigidos; los mismos se encuentran en inglés por directrices del programa y sus organizadores.

Brief description

The FY2022 International Youth Development Exchange Program ~ Online Discussion Program ~ the exchange program shall be implemented online and presencial.

The International Youth Development Exchange (INDEX) Program is an interactive project that started in 1994 in commemoration of the royal marriage of H.I.H. the Crown Prince. This program followed the Japanese Youth Goodwill Mission that commenced in 1959 to commemorate the royal marriage of the current His Majesty the Emperor who was the Crown Prince at that time and the Invitation of Foreign Youth to Japan which commenced in FY 1962.

The International Youth Development Exchange Program run by the Cabinet Office of Japan aims to promote mutual friendship and understanding between Japanese youths and youths of other countries; to broaden international perspectives, to foster the spirit of international cooperation, and develop the ability to put these principles into practice. The objective of the program is to nurture and develop youths who can demonstrate leadership skills in various fields in a global society and encourage social contribution activities by the youths.

Aims and objectives of INDEX 2022

The aims of the INDEX 2022 are to nurture Japanese youths who contribute to resolve global common issues raised in the countries all over the world, who can demonstrate leadership in various fields in the global society and who will make a contribution to the social activities.


Discussions take place with between Japanese and International participants to:

– Promote mutual friendship and understanding.

– Broaden the international perspective between participants.

– Foster the spirit of international cooperation.

– Develop their ability to put into practice.

Brief description

The main topic of discussion for INDEX 2022 for Federal Republic of Germany and Republic of Estonia from the Europe and Africa region is «Use of information technology” and for Dominican Republic and United Mexican States of the North, Central and South America region is “Disaster Management”.

A third topic to discuss, in this exchange program is “Community development from the point of view of disaster management/use of information technology”. This will be a shared theme among the participants from the different countries.


  • Participant must be Dominican.
  • Age around between 18 and 30 years old (as of April 1st, 2022), however, it is aceptable to be under 40 years of age for those who have dedicated work/activities to the suject.
  • Fluent in English (English is to be used as the working language of the program), however, Japanese will be accepted if deemed necessary for smooth communication.
  • Show an interest in the relevant theme.
  • Have enough knowledge of his/her society and culture.
  • Have ability to engage in the activities such as discussions in English.
  • Being able to bear the expenses for preparing the equipment required for the on-line exchange (computers o laptops, internet, etc.).
  • Being interested in Japan and expecting to be in charge of expanding the exchange and facilitating the friendship between his/her own country and Japan.
  • Being in good mental and physical health, cooperative enough and who can behave in a disciplined way according to the INDEX program.
  • The COVID-19 vaccines accepted by Japan are: Pfizer, Modern, Astrazeneca and Janssen.

COVID-19 Vaccine. See all details in the follow link: Japan Consular Services

Application Documents Required

To apply to this program, you are required to submit the following documents:

  1. Photograph
    • 4.5 cm X 3.5 cm
    • Upper half body
    • Not Hat
    • Plain background
    • Within the past six month
  2. Identification Card (copy)

You will also need to answer to the following aspects:

  1. What motivated you to apply to this program. (200 words)
  2. Describe what issues you are interested in related to the sub-theme. (200 words)
  3. Experience(s) of international exchange programs (country, detail, etc.) ~ non-mandatory
  4. Special Skill

Ideal Backgrounds of Participant

  • Interested in the discussion theme and able to express ideas and opinions.
  • Interested in the participating countries and communicate actively during the program.

    Personal Information

    NOTE: Your name shown in your identification document shall be used for our official documents

    Contact information

    Information of Educational institution / Affiliation/Company name


    **The information that you provide will be used for the selection and determination of the participants. As for the actual participants, necessary information may be used for 1) the execution of the program and 2) the establishment and maintenance of the network of ex-participants. Further, the information may be provided for; the other participants and those who are concerned with the program for the purpose of 1) and the post-program activities organization (International Youth Exchange Organization of Japan (IYEO)) for the purpose of 2) respectively. All data is securely held in accordance with the Japanese law, i.e. Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

    Preguntas frecuentes

    Para poder aplicar es necesario un dominio perfecto del idioma inglés.

    ¿Cuándo habrá una nueva convocatoria?

    Sé el primero en saber cuando tengamos una nueva convocatoria, escribe tu correo y nosotros te notificaremos:

    Últimas convocatorias

    Documentos del programa

    Sistema de Transparencia Beneficiarios de Juventud

    Estamos comprometidos con la transparencia. Aquí puedes conocer quiénes son los beneficiados con los programas y proyectos que desarrolla el Ministerio de la Juventud del Gobierno de la República Dominicana. 
